High Plains Modelers Pages

October 28, 2012

High Plains Gazette - Vol 13

This is our latest installment of the High Plains Gazette. It is a special edition as it covers many details (including winners) of the High Plains Con XXIII.

As always, you can either enjoy it reading it online, or you can download it from here High Plains Gazette Vol 13

October 17, 2012

We survived High Plains Con XXIII

We had a great show. Slightly over 60 modelers brought about 280 models. We had 7 vendor tables and most importantly, a great collection of models and a great show.

Thanks to everyone that participated in this event, from our sponsors, to the participants that brought in their models.

 You can see a selection of photos here

October 1, 2012

Better late than never!

This is another group picture of several "High Plain-ers" while at the CommiesFest 2012, back in February.