High Plains Modelers Pages

December 11, 2012

Christmas Party

The High Plains Modelers club will have its Christmas Party on Tuesday December 18th, at the Golden Corral in Loveland (1360 Sculptor Drive, just off from US 34). Arrival time is 6:00 PM, for a bit of a social time before having dinner.

We will have our traditional "Chinese Gift Exchange". Please bring a wrapped plastic model valued at about $25.

December 10, 2012

High Plains Gazette Vol 15

Our December issue is available for online reading, or for download here
  High Plains Gazette Vol 15.pdf

November 29, 2012

November 2012 Meeting

Despite all the food eaten during Thanksgiving, about a dozen of High Plain Modelers showed up to the November meeting, which is when we have our elections... or as some say, the month of the year which we devote to "railroading", instead of plastic modeling! 

We have a new president, a new vice-president, a new secretary and the same and reliable treasurer (even when he voted against himself!).

Let's now look at some of the models brought for "show and tell", plus the typical review by the modeler.

This time we also have some real squadron badges stickers. Interestingly enough they have small perforations (to let air out). We were told that a special clear coat is applied to the stickers, to prevent them to peel-off. But often there is a bit of trapped air, making the markings to look like if they "silvered". 

Hence next time you build a model with silvered decals you can say that is a highly realistic finish!

November 23, 2012

High Plains Gazette Vol 14

 The latest issue of the High Plains Gazette is available for your enjoyment.  You can download it from here or read it online.
High Plains Gazette Vol 14

November 1, 2012

October 2012 Meeting

The October meeting was well attended and it was very smooth. Probably we all were really tired after the High Plains Con XXIII!

Even when it was a very "seat back and relax" kind of meeting, we had all kind of good modelling news and even 6 models were brought in for Show and Tell.


October 28, 2012

High Plains Gazette - Vol 13

This is our latest installment of the High Plains Gazette. It is a special edition as it covers many details (including winners) of the High Plains Con XXIII.

As always, you can either enjoy it reading it online, or you can download it from here High Plains Gazette Vol 13

October 17, 2012

We survived High Plains Con XXIII

We had a great show. Slightly over 60 modelers brought about 280 models. We had 7 vendor tables and most importantly, a great collection of models and a great show.

Thanks to everyone that participated in this event, from our sponsors, to the participants that brought in their models.

 You can see a selection of photos here

October 1, 2012

Better late than never!

This is another group picture of several "High Plain-ers" while at the CommiesFest 2012, back in February.

September 27, 2012

September 2012 Meeting

Most of the activities on the September meeting were related to the High Plains Con XXIII planning. After the contest, the next big thing for the club is our Christmas Party and Gift Exchange. We have a date (Dec 18th) for the event. We have a volunteer to find out about catering options

And now for the fun part, these were the models brought in for Show and Tell.

September 23, 2012

The Gazette is back! - Vol 12

After an hiatus, our valiant editor and main contributor of the gazette is back to the keyboard to deliver us with the latest gazette. You can either read it online or download it by clicking here

High Plains Gazette Vol 12

September 16, 2012

High Plains Modelers at WingNutCon 2012

The High Plains Modelers club had a good representation at the WingNutCon 2012. Nine members showed up and roughly half of them got awards or placed in different categories. Also, several HPM members contributed to the event by helping with judging and/or raiding the vendors tables. Bottom line: We all had a great time and want to thank IPMS/Rob Wolf for another great show.

Mr. Vice attended the event, but he didn't want to be seen in the company of the rest of us.

August 2012 Meeting

Sadly, both the webmaster and the fierceless photographer missed the meeting so no report in available.

August 4, 2012

July 2012 Meeting and "Made in America" group build

This month meeting was held at HobbyTown, instead of our usual location (The Ranch) due to the County Fair. Thanks Hobbytown!

At our meeting, we have the regular Show and Tell, plus we had a "Made in America" group build, in which the idea was to build a model which plastic was injected in the USA (something a bit hard to find these days).

Also Larry hosted a clinic on "Making Canvases out of Tissue Paper".

Below are pictures of all the different models brought in:

July 11, 2012

Randy's Bistro review

Our fearless treasurer dared to host a BBQ at his place for the club members and families. We all had a great time there.

This is an interesting review posted on yelp.com, regarding "Randy's bistro and Styrene Emporium"

My family and I happened to be on a lazy Saturday afternoon drive when we found Randy's Bistro & Styrene Emporium. Set in a residential neighborhood, the outside beckons you with neat, contemporary design and a welcoming paint job set back from a well-manicured landscape. Parking is at a premium, so we parked in front of a neighboring building, despite the looming threat of a downpour.
    Randy's is operated by it's owner and his gorgeous and charming wife, and so the service, although attentive, was sparse. We were actually welcomed inside and seated by one of the other guests. In addition, due to the limited menu selections, we had to bring our own deviled eggs as well as our own beverages and table service. However, the dining space inside is well decorated, cozy, and comforting, which makes up for the self-service experience. Music is provided throughout the establishment and is in extremely good taste, with blues and jazz permeating ones ears in a perfect accompaniment to the meal.
   Let's get down to brass tacks. The meal was outstanding. As is customary, much of the food selection was made up of items other guests had brought. From salads to deviled eggs, three types of baked beans, stuffed peppers and an extremely wide variety of desserts, we were not disappointed at all. The main course consisted of gourmet mass market sausages roasted over a wood fire and served impeccably on Randy's finest china. An additional main course offering was wood roasted chicken breasts, marinated in an Italian vinaigrette and cooked to moist perfection. I chose the chicken myself, which melted in my mouth like memories of my first girlfriend.
    In addition to gourmet food cooked in a home-style atmosphere, Randy's Bistro & Styrene Emporium also offers a unique entertainment experience to complement  your meal. For a small fee (usually a well-timed joke or compliment to his wife will suffice) patrons can take a tour of his establishment. On display is a selection of plastic models, crafted expertly by the owner and arranged on display for the delight of his guests. Consisting of mostly automobiles, but with a smattering of science fiction and aircraft subjects also, Randy's glassed shelves will awe and inspire guests of all ages. Indeed, during our visit, a local modeling club convention was in progress, and Randy's Bistro & Styrene Emporium was perfectly suited to the occasion.
    In summary, I would highly recommend a visit to Randy's Bistro & Styrene Emporium. The food is impeccable, the service is excellent and makes one feel right at home, while the plastic modeling display is a perfect cap to one's evening. I give it 5 stars.

There are even some pictures supporting the review

July 2, 2012

Club's fundraiser!

You know the club is in trouble when you need to do this..... (Oh well, we were having fun)

July 1, 2012

June 2012 Meeting

The June meeting was largely dominated by planning details of the High Plains Con XXIII (October 13th, at The Ranch). Sadly there was no clinic this time, but the "Canvases made out of tissue paper" one got re-scheduled for next time.

Other topics have been proposed for clinics:
  • Large, complex decals
  • Surface preparation for NMF and high gloss finishes
  • All about glues 
 Our historian placed a trivia question for the club: Who was Cpt Louis Strange and what was the strangest thing he did? The answer will be known on the next meeting.

As always, the main attraction of the meeting were the models brought for Show and Tell (Thanks to Chris, our fearless photographer!)

June 19, 2012

June Meeting - Special location & Time

Due to the Ranch being used as an evacuation center, our June meeting (Tuesday 6/26) will be at the Fort Collins Hobbytown, starting at 6:00 PM.

June 1, 2012

May 2012 Meeting & Annual Auction

May meeting is Auction night and for sure we had donations from club members and from IPMS/USA. Thanks to all of them!

But as always, the center of our meetings are the models brought for "Show and Tell"