High Plains Modelers Pages

March 27, 2013

March 2013 Meeting

We had a really fun meeting last night. There were several excellent meetings and we had not one, but two clinics. 

Tom hosted a very informative (and a bit messy!) clinic on how to paint and weather tank tracks. His trick: Paint them Humbrol 66 and then use water soluble oils for a wash.

We also had our fearless secretary "Nuge" to give us a short and instructive clinic on how to fix blemishes on canopies. Sadly we have no pictures of it.

Below are pictures of the models brought for the "Show and Tell".

Chris' model

Randy's model

Jeff's model

Pablo's model (after a crash landing)

Gary's model (with over 1500 parts!)

Tom's model - Plenty of scratchbuild detail

Mark's tanks (Visiting from Longmont)

Scott's model (next one will be motorized!)

Dave's model

Chip's model (Can you believe is his third?)

Cody's Woodward tractor (HO scale) model
This month, Randy won the monthly contest and we have a three-way tie for the "Modeler of the Year" contest at this point!

March 9, 2013

High Plains Gazette Vol 17

Despite some technical issues (computer problems) our valiant editor was able to deliver the February 2013 issue of the High Plains Gazette.

You can read it online (below) or download for offline reading here


March 3, 2013

February 2013 Meeting

We had our February meeting, despite the icy road conditions and even I-25 road closure. Nothing would stop our intrepid High Plain Modelers!

We discussed different topics, including sponsorship of a category for the Nationals, and our local contest in October. 

Due to the weather, we cancelled the clinic so everyone would get home sooner. Likely the calendar of clinics will be updated next meeting.

As usual, the stars of the night were the models, with Gary winning the monthly contest.

Randy's model

Tom's model

Gary's model

Dave's model

Pablo's model (Featured in FineScale Modeler)

Mark's model

Cody's model

Chip's (POS) model

Paul's model

Jeff's model

Michael's model