High Plains Modelers Pages

June 16, 2013

Revell's 1/48 F/A-18E Super Hornet: WIP report

    Here's the first episode of the new improved Web-hosted WIP by Nuge. Last night I took the plunge and began surgery on the cockpit windshield framing/cowl area, which was warped and causing a fit problem. In these pics you can see where I've begun reshaping that area with a file in order to get it flush. I opted not to glue down the clear piece, instead choosing to work it a little at a time and then dry fit as I go. This seems to be working. As soon as I'm happy with the fit, I'll glue it down as per normal, mask it off, then fill, sand, and hit it with a new coat of paint. Check out the pics:

1st session of filing, on front portion.

Closeup of technique.

Coming around from front to right side as I shape it.

   Stay tuned for another report in the next week or so as we see what results we get. ;)
