High Plains Modelers Pages

June 8, 2013

Swanny's Models - DVD 1 - Basic Model Skills

Manufacturer: Swanny’s Models

Product: Instructional DVD Vol.1 “Basic Model Building Skills” (2-disk set)
MSRP: $29.00 plus shipping from http://www.swannysmodels.com/DVD.html

Reviewed by: Pablo Bauleo

A great characteristic of this series is that every now and then, a mistake happens (scratch in the paint, glue blob, etc). These mistakes are not edited out and step-by-step solutions to the problem are shown. Even there are discussions of different options on how the problem could have being solved. Matt Swan shares a lot of his experience by showing how to recover from an accident.

But let’s start for the beginning: The first volume is a 2-disk set for a running time of 3 hr 40 min. It covers, from beginning to end how to assembly and finish a Hasegawa P-40K in 1/48 scale. Before jumping into assembly and parts preparation it describes the basic tools needed for building a model and suggestions on how to setup your work area.

It continues showing how to work with clear parts, how to use Future to improve its appearance and how to mask them. It shows basic but convincing cockpit detailing (dry-brushing, decals) and then it moves into fuselage and wings assembly, including step-by-step how to fix seams, fill gaps and surface preparation. It is highly valuable to see “in-action” how to do this. I’ve certainly learnt a lot from that, in particular about how to use fillers.

Once the model is assembled it shows how to prime it (and the importance of that), how to pre-shade, apply main camouflage colors, post-shade to simulate fading due to sunlight, gloss coat and how to use setting solutions when decaling. But if all that is not enough, it also shows how to apply a wash to the panel lines, for full weathered look. The DVD ends with final assembly of landing gear, and clear parts.

This is a great set for the beginner and the modeler returning to the hobby. It is also very good for the experience modeler, as it shows and reinforces modeling good practices.


I would like to thanks IPMS for the opportunity to review this DVD sets and Matt Swan for his mentoring in my return to the modeling world.