High Plains Modelers Pages

July 31, 2013

July 2013 Meeting

    For at least the third month in a row, HPM saw record attendance at a regular meeting. Seventeen members and our guest, Mark Persichetti, squeezed into the Hobbytown USA basement to plot murderous vengeance against our styrene enemies. Well, if the NSA is reading this, actually we just did some knitting and recited poetry to each other while drinking warm milk. Such a nice time. ;)
   Once again we had the pleasure and honor of hosting Mark Persichetti while he filled us in with an update on the IPMS Nationals, coming in August. It sounds like things are really starting to ramp up there and we wait with bated breath to meet fellow modelers from across the country. Should be a good time.
    HPM member Tomasz gave a small presentation on the progress of the HPM group build that we'll be presenting at Nats. The hangar looks beautiful and other members came together with their pieces to the puzzle to coordinate and plan future progress. A dedicated Build & Bull will take place soon as the construction closes in on completion here as well.
   Finally, the highlight of the meeting was the Show & Tell. Nine club members brought in their latest work. Take a gander at the pics below. See ya next time!

Tomasz gives an update on the group build with hangar.

Marty's F-86D Sabre

Chris's F/A-18E Super Hornet

Jeff's Formula 1 racer. An unfortunate accident saw it damaged, but it was still impressive. We hope he's able to fix it.

One of Scott's two resin buildings. Unfortunately the pic of the other building didn't turn out, but both builds looked great.

Gary's gets creative with a cow-milking vignette.

Pablo is "go for 1st place" with this 1/100 shuttle Discovery.

Tomasz' impressive JU-88.

Chip tackles an SR-71 (actually an M-21) with its D-21 drone. Looking good in a rare silver finish for this aircraft.