High Plains Modelers Pages

July 6, 2013

Revell/Renwal 1/32 Teracruzer with Mace Missile (reissue) WIP

This is a Revell reissue of the Renwal kit from the late 1950s (Picture 1).
The kit actually contains three sub-kits (Teracruzer, transporter-erector-launcher [not a trailer], and missile).
I purchased this kit because it is a unique subject, fits into my USAF collection, the original Renwal is too expensive in the secondary market, and it’s just plain cool looking. 
However, I must say I am not enjoying  this build.  Every piece is covered with flashing and ejector pin marks.  Raised mold demarcation lines are clearly visible as well.  Also, most parts do not fit together well.  Not to mention the plastic is very soft.  Which means parts break very easily when removing from the sprue (guess how I know).  It also means you must be careful to not take off too much material when sanding (guess how I also know this). 
Assembly has been on-going for a while and the missile along with its transporter-erector-launcher (TEL) are almost ready for priming (Pictures 2 & 6).  Pictures 6, 7, and 8 highlight what I’ve already mentioned about filling and sanding.  Pictures 3, 4, and 5 illustrate the only cleverness in the kit.  Each of the four outriggers is keyed because there are two long and two short and all four have attachment points that must face inward or outward to meet other parts.  Picture 9 is the beginning of construction on the Teracruzer.  I’m not looking forward to it.  Can you guess?  More filling and sanding.

My assessment is the kit would be a quick and easy build if it didn’t require a lot of filling and sanding .  The only reason I haven’t sold it is because I know it will be an awesome piece when complete.  Provided the world hasn’t run out of putty filler.  I used a half a tube to finish half the kit.  Get this kit if you really want a cool piece in your collection.  Avoid it if you dislike sanding.