High Plains Modelers Pages

July 18, 2013

Zvezda - 1/48 La-5

Product Review
Reviewer: Pablo Bauleo
IPMS: # 46363

Manufacturer: Zvezda
Product: 1/48 La-5 - Boxing 4803
MSRP: $27.99

When I first opened the box I was a little bit confused by not finding a cockpit tub. Then I realized that Zvezda has developed a full model of a La-5. I mean full because the model comes with a full interior, with engine, engine mount, complete cockpit, fuselage formers and even rear fuselage detail. You get ailerons, rudder and horizontal controls molded as independent parts too.

There was virtually no flash in my example, but there were a couple of sink marks in the wing-roots.. Easy to fix with some putty before assembly. The sprue attachment points are of reasonable size, similar to what you would expect of the mainstream manufacturers. Panel lines are engraved, very fine and nicely defined

Transparencies are clear, and a dip in Pledge Future made them shine. For some reason, the main canopy will not seat down in the closed position, but it seats fine in the open position. Perhaps it is designed to be displayed like that. Beside all the nice interior detail is asking for an open canopy!

The kit is molded in soft plastic, so be careful when you cut the parts from the sprues. You don't want to break those delicate parts for the interior framing. Also be careful when handling the parts, as the soft plastic scratches easily.

Interior detail is given in spades, but assembly could be a little bit fiddly. Take your time and align things properly. Dry fit often and use the fuselage sides as a guide when you are assembling the interior frame. I didn't check often enough and I ended up with some seams to deal with in the back of the fuselage and the under-fuselage to wing joint. I blame it on me and not the kit.

I did have some issues with the landing gear. I had some interference of the gear struts with the lower wing. I had to trim off some detail of the landing struts to get them to fit in the openings. The trimmed-off detail would have been located deep into the landing wheels well, so you wouldn't have seen it anyway.

Marking colors are for the green/black over soviet blue style of 1942. Decals have good color density and responded well to setting solutions, but the stars are a little bit out of register.  There are just a few stencils provided. In my model I've used a few stencils leftover from other kits, to dress it up a little bit more.

I applaud Zvezda's rendering of the La-5 in 1/48 scale. I had a lot of fun building this kit and I look forward to build other kits of the same manufacturer

Given the high part count and elaborate interior, I recommend this kit for intermediate modelers.

I would like to thank Zvezda and DragonModels USA for the review sample.