High Plains Modelers Pages

August 27, 2013

August 2013 Meeting

      While the sun dropped into the horizon, lighting towering piles of thunderstorm clouds to the northeast, High Plains Modelers convened for their August meeting at the Budweiser Events Center's McKee 4-H building. For the fourth month in a row, we had record attendance as 14 club members and 3 guests gathered to discuss all things modeling.
     Mark Persichetti, the chairman of the IPMS 2013 Nationals committee, was gracious enough to stop by with a comprehensive and detailed debrief on the 2013 National convention. A detailed report on the Nats will be covered on a separate, dedicated post here at the HPM website.
     Two guests and prospective new members joined us for the meeting as well. After secret chants and blood rituals were performed, Jim and Scott were warmly welcomed to the group. Introductions were exchanged and we all got to know each other.
     Besides the Nats, HPM's own "Not The Nationals" October model contest & show was also discussed. Stay tuned on our dedicated "High Plains Con" page for further updates on this exciting event.
    Now, let's check out some cool model pics!

Chris's Blohm & Voss BV-141 observation plane, in 1/72

Okay, who invited Hitler to the party? D'oh! Jeff did. ;)

Michael's mouse monk. Really great base on this one.

Marty's 1/72 Airfix P-51, complete with PSP base.

Scott S. brought this very impressive BF-109 with aftermarket canopy and prop.

Gary's Matilda tank employed camoflage techniques demonstrated by Pablo.

Chip's 1/48 Tamiya Mustang.

Pablo's war-weary 1/48 Hawker Hurricane.