High Plains Modelers Pages

September 26, 2013

September 2013 Meeting

      In the wake of a massive flood that submerged much of Northern Colorado, and to the accompaniment of the first signs of autumn, the High Plains modelers assembled in the basement of Hobbytown for their September meeting. Our usual location at the Ranch was being used for disaster relief.
     The main topic of the September meeting was the upcoming High Plains Con 2013. Although at first we wondered if our show would need to be rescheduled or canceled, Marc L. came through at the last minute with news that our reservation at the Ranch was A-OK. We're still on track to present a great show Saturday, October 12th, from 10-5 at the Ranch in Loveland. For details you can check out our dedicated show page at http://highplainscon.blogspot.com/ where you can download a show flier and find other good info.
    But: on to the models! We didn't have quite as good attendance this month, but fortunately there was still some first class work to be shown off and drooled over.
Chip's 1/144 F6F Hellcat. Mee-ow!

Dave's gorgeous 109. 

New Scott's M3 Stuart, complete with cat whisker antenna. No cats were harmed while procuring this essentail detailing part. 

Gary's landing craft. 

Chris's Yak-28 Forger with fictional Cobra markings