High Plains Modelers Pages

November 26, 2013

October 2013 Meeting

    The HPM secretary could not attend the October meeting, so we don't have any pics of the models from that meeting. We DO have a small summary of the goings on, which are below:
     On the agenda, the club conducted a debrief on the October show, "Not The Nationals". Although we did see a drop in attendance for this show since Nats was only a few months ago, we still had a good turnout and the vendors tables were packed. A possible change to the show next year may be an added section on the registration forms for modelers to receive feedback on their model by the judges.
      In an auction of kits donated to the club at the October show, members of HPM opened their wallets and raised a little over $400 for the club. Nice job, guys!
    The HPM Christmas Party is scheduled for December 17th at 6pm at our usual haunt. Members know the drill and I'm sure everyone is looking forward to a good time.
    Another item on the October agenda covered abandoning the old HPM URL, as it's no longer needed. This would save us some cash. The club decided to go ahead with this.
    That's all for October. Stay tuned for the usual shenanigans coming up in the November meeting notes!