High Plains Modelers Pages

January 29, 2014

January 2014 Meeting

     Ahoy and salutations! Welcome to 2014! 

    In their inaugural meeting of the year, High Plains Modelers converged on the McKee 4H Building at The Ranch in Loveland for an evening of models and model accessories. We had great attendance again, with 15 or 16 guys showing up.
   HPM would like to welcome Tony as our new incoming President for 2014, and thank him for stepping up to the challenge. It's not easy herding cats! Thanks Tony! Our other officers remain the same for the new year. They are Jeff Brown as Vice Prez, Randy Robinson as Treasurer, and Chris Nugent as Secretary.
    Lots of business was discussed at the meeting, including the scheduling of modeling clinics for 2014, events such as a swap/brown-bag/UFO build (UFO= UnFinished Objects), dues, the renewal of our nonprofit status and charter, and our 2014 annual show in October. As this will be the 25th HPM Model Show, our theme this year will be Anything Silver. Chris also floated the idea of a monthly rotating trophy for winners of the monthly contest. The club voted on it and approved. Yay! Randy also suggested creating a custom, "signature" type award style for our awards in our annual show, much like the CoMMiES do with their industrial figurehead in acrylic awards. The club voted to investigate the cost on this so Randy will follow up on that, but the issue was also tabled for more discussion later.

Upcoming Events

CoMMiESFest -- Saturday, Feb. 15  www.commiesfest.com

West Fest, Grand Junction, CO --CANCELLED for 2014. They hope to be back next year.

HobbyTown USA Model Contest/ HPM Build & Bull Open House  April dates TBD Stay Tuned!

Chili Con 3, Albuquerque, NM -- June 6,7    http://www.abqscalemodelers.com/Region-10_Chile-Con-3_Home-Page.htm

High Plains Con XXV -- Oct. TBD     http://ipmshpm.blogspot.com/p/landing-page.html

2014 Club Dues are Payable Now--Support Chris's Trip To Europe

Dues Cost: $15

2014 Modeling Clinics/Events Are Posted On The Clinic Page

High Plains Con XXV Theme: Silver

Help High Plains Modelers celebrate their 25th model show & contest. Build and bring something SILVER!

Oh, you'd like to ogle some model pics now? There's a charge for that. See the treasurer. ;)

Chris brought a couple WIP's. The old Italeri 1/35 Chaffee tank ended up in a diorama, and the Tamiya 1/48 Warthog in work.

Gary's M7 Priest. It's an older kit that he somehow managed to pry the fossilized stone off of.

Tomasz' gorgeous 109. Tom, when ya gonna build a car? ;)

Michael brought this flock, er, bevy, er, herd, ....er HORDE of 1/100 T-34's.

Another great looking plane, this one an F6F-5 in 1/48 by Hasegawa. Dave brought this one in.

New Scott brought in a Hellcat as well, this one a 1/72 Cyber Hobby kit. 

Senior Scott (not Old Scott!) brought in this good looking ISU-122 in 1/72 scale.

An Albatros D1 by Roden in 1/72, masterfully created by Marty. You like dem fancy words, yeah?

We are beginning to suspect that all Pablo has in his stash are A-4's. This is a Hobbycraft kit, much easier on the wallet than Hasegawa's, by all accounts. 

Chip managed to slap together this slick looking F4U-1D by Tamiya with hardly a fingerprint at all. Nice job, Chip.

Cody blinded us with Fahrvergnugen with this lemon-yellow Super Beetle. This was the Revell 1/24 offering.

Randy built a 1/12 CHP motorcycle by Aoshima and unleashed flashbacks of '70's television ruthlessly upon us all. Mercy.

That's it for this January 2014 update. Have a great modeling month and see you in February!