Hello modeling fans!Sit down and strap in for the latest update on the shenanigans of High Plains Modelers!
A fast blizzard rolled through the northern Front Range, making the trip to The Ranch treacherous, to say the least. Only 11 club members and two guests managed to make it, but we did have a great time in spite of the circumstances.
Thanks to the efforts of Pablo, the club was able to enjoy a 2 hour presentation on resin casting given by Reynolds Advanced Materials. Topics covered included the various forms of resin and urethane available for use in casting copies of model parts or in making your own unique creations. John Hamilton did an excellent job of demonstrating the various resins as he cast several car bodies, a Millenium Falcon, a seat, and other parts. Samples of the parts as well as mixtures that were still curing were passed around, and it was neat to feel the heat from the chemical reaction as the quicker-curing products did their job. Although the club was not able to conduct very much business due to time constraints, the 2 hours of resin casting demos were more than enough to make up for it. Lets give Pablo a hearty round of applause for arranging this demo, and also huge props to John and Jesse from Reynolds Advanced Materials for coming up to perform the demo.
Here are some pics of the resin casting demo:
John prepares a resin mixture. |
John separates a two-part mold of a spark plug. |
Spark plug mold. Note detail of threads and electrode on the plug. |
John diagrams the construction of a box mold for a scale saddle (shown in cross section view). |
Mixing more resin. Some of the quick-cure resins generated so much heat the cup was hard to hold. Very hot. |
Pouring catalyst for the resin. |
View of work table with various sample molds and products.
After the resin casting demo, the club conducted an abbreviated "Bring & Brag", where we voted on the models members brought, but did not discuss. Gary won this month's contest with his Hudson Hornet racer. Let's check out what everybody brought!
Chip built this 1/144 MiG-31 interceptor. Nothing like the brute look of Russian hardware! |
Here's Cody's Mercedes. It even had car show posters in the back seat. |
Gary's Hudson Hornet. |
72 Scale Scott brought this building. It's square, has two stories, and features a yellow roof and some reddish brickwork. Did I mention it's square? ;) |
My favorite was New Scott's F-84 Thunderjet. He did a great job on the NMF and on masking the canopy framing. I hate masking.
Well, that's it for this month. Stay tuned for another action packed update after our next meeting in March. Model on!