High Plains Modelers Pages

April 30, 2014

April 2014 Meeting

     Greetings, Northern Colorado modeling aficionados,

     Last night, Tuesday April 29th, saw the monthly gathering of the High Plains Modelers at the McKee 4H Building at The Ranch. Despite high winds that threatened to blow us off the road, and gathering thunderstorm clouds that tumbled off the mountains, 17 members and two guests managed to squeeze in for a night of plastic shenanigans.
      First up, we took care of some club business. Preparations for our annual show & contest on October 11th continue to proceed normally. We're tweaking the categories this year for a better fit with our participants by adding a Fantasy category and eliminating the Group Builds category. Also, Pablo reported the flyer is nearly ready for publication in the IPMS journal as well as promotion elsewhere.
    IPMS High Plains will be showcasing a full day Build & Bull event at HobbyTown USA Fort Collins. On May 10th we'll arrive at 10am to set up tables and unpack the tools in a day-long frenzy of plastic, glue-sniffing, and bloodied fingers. Should be fun! Stop by and see us or bring a model to get in on the excitement!

    *** IPMS High Plains would like to give a warm welcome to our newest members, John, Scott, and Jim. Welcome aboard!***

And now, let's take a gander at some pics!

Cody's '78 Trans Am looks fast standing still.

Pablo's Jetson's Space Car. Pablo reviewed this kit in a recent issue of the IPMS Journal.

'72 Scott's Gepanzert LandWasserSchlepper. It schlepps pretty good, I think.

Michael's out of his comfort zone with a great looking P-47 Thunderbolt.

Chris's BRDM-3 Soviet amphibious vehicle.

Gary brought a Dragon Wagon which was definitely not draggin'. 

Chip's 1/130 scale B-29 by Testors, with experimental tail surfaces ;).

New Scott brought this gorgeous P-51 in 1/48 by Monogram.

Dave sails in with a 1/700 Japanese I-boat.

Tomasz rocked it with this Ju-188 torpedo bomber by Hasegawa.

After the Bring & Brag, Randy put on an excellent demo on installing decals.

Smiling faces while Randy prepares the decals.

The decal has soaked for a bit and is ready to slide gently and slowly on to the car.

If only all of us had an extra pair of hands sometimes. I intend to install some on my bench posthaste!

Unfortunately, as has happened to all too many of us, Randy had a little accident and spilled his bottle of Micro Set. Luckily with some quick paper towel work and recovery skills, Randy was able to finish marking the 2nd car. I can't seem to get a pic of the incident attached, so you'll have to use your imagination.

    That wraps up the meeting summary for the month of April. Thanks for reading and stay tuned for the next exciting episode!