High Plains Modelers Pages

May 13, 2014

HobbyTown USA Model Contest

     Everybody likes a model contest, and especially if you can enter for under five bucks. Saturday, May 10th saw HobbyTown hold their annual model contest. Along with that, HPM was invited to rise up from their usual Build & Bull dungeon in the basement to conduct a day long Build & Bull right alongside the model contest. By all accounts the contest and build session were a great hit. Let's also give a special shout-out to Dave Dardine for organizing and coordinating the day's events. Thanks Dave!
      Here are a few pictures for you to salivate over while you ponder your next build:

Morning preparations just underway.

Leftwards out of the Hobbytown entrance like the B&B tables.

Kids of all ages got in on the action. ;)

The aircraft table.

Another shot of aircraft.

A very nice looking Me-262, I believe done by Pablo.

Mustang, Cadillac of the Skies.

Armor was well represented also.

Sherman tank.

Colorful cars brighten this end of the table.

"I. Am. Speed."

Best In Show winner John C.'s corvette. Amazing work.

Bridge of the corvette.

The gun crew takes aim.

Local modelers gather for some Vietnamese lunch. All were smiles before the indigestion kicked in.

Every kid should fly an airplane indoors.

Winners on the aircraft table.