Ahh..hello there. Come 'round once again, have you, a second time, for a bit of the old one-two, hey? A wee tipple of the old styrene bashing business? A small portion of sharp blades and sharper wit? Right then! You've come to the right place, mate.
The usual bandits assembled once again just this side of the border to divvy up the loot and tell tall tales about how their grandmothers used rattlesnakes to weave baskets or something like that. We had around 18 members gather to talk shop and show off models. We also had a small swap meet where club members brought in unwanted kits to sell off or trade. You know how it goes when a pile of models with price tags on 'em shows up.
38 days 'til High Plains Con XXV!!!
Make sure to check the contest web page for the latest updates on this exciting event!
Meanwhile, here's some pics of the latest goings-on with HPM. Tally-ho!
Club members patiently await Larry's tips on airbrushing. "And then you put about five drops of....zzzzzzzzzz......" |
Tom's beautiful Panzer IV by Dragon in 1/35 |
New Scott's Fujimi 1/72 B6N1 'Jill'. |
'72 Scott's Russian artillery tractor. |
Michael's BT-7 Light Tank |
Jim's Minicraft DC-3 |
John C.'s HobbyBoss BR-86 Locomotive |
Gary's Jeff Gordon race car by Revell. |
Cody's Lindberg 1/16 race car |
Sam and Andrew get a closeup on the Panzer. |
Rifling through the loot at the swap meet. |
More rifling. Oh, look, Larry woke up! ;) |
That's it for now, modelers. Stay tuned next month for more modeling hijinks from the High Plains Modelers. Adieu!