High Plains Modelers Pages

October 24, 2014

High Plains Con XXV-Summary and pics


    October 13th has come and gone. Did you make it to the show? 

    By all accounts the 25th annual High Plains Con was a success. There were lots of models, lots of SILVER, and lots of good times.

   Some sample pics for you to ogle. Hey, we all need that instant gratification sometimes. Check out the link at the bottom for the complete album on our Contest Coordinator's Flickr page:

You can find the rest of the show pics HERE.

   Lastly, High Plains Modelers would like to send a huge shout-out and thank you(!) to our many vendors and to those folks who sponsored an award or otherwise contributed to the success of the show. So...


That's all folks! Thanks again and see ya next year!

We WILL be back next month for regular business, so don't think we're abandoning you!  ;)