High Plains Modelers Pages

November 24, 2015

Models from the October Meeting

The six models from our October meeting:

Monogram F4B-4, 1/72, built by Tomasz

Italeri Dodge WC-51, 1/72, from Scott S

Cody's '40 Ford Coupe with a highly detailed engine

Michael's Reaper Burrowing Horror

Pablo's Italeri/Academy 1/48 P-47D in Brazilian markings
Model of the Month, Gary's Tamiya 1/35 25 pounder and caisson

October 27, 2015

September Models

Cody's ERTL 1/72 F-15 in UPS Delivery scheme

Gary's 15mm Stonewall Brigade

Jon's ICM 1/72 Katyusha Rocket Launcher

Michael A's 28mm Soviet Female Medic

Scott S's 1/48 Italeri Ju 87B-2

Tomasz's 1/32 Cyberhobby Bf 109E
Model of the Month: Pablo's 1/35 MiniArt Street Car

Pablo's Street Car

September 29, 2015

August Meeting Models

Cody's Lindberg 1/24 Ford T

Eduard Bf-109E-7 1/48 from Pablo

Another Ford T, in this case the AMT kit from Jon

Jamie B's Tamiya Tiger I 1/48

Mark B's Jagdpathner, Tamiya 1/48

Mirage Grant 1/72, Scott S

Ron's Bergepanzer 38(t), converted from the Italeri kit, 1/35.  Co-Model of the Month

Gary's Quad Gun Tractor, 1/35. Co-Model of the Month

Overall view of Gary's Ford tractor

Fantasy figure from Tomasz

August 8, 2015

July 2015 Models

July saw the meeting moved from the Ranch to Hobbytown in Fort Collins.  9 Models were presented.

Cody's Nissan MID4 Concept Car

Gary's 1/72 M4 Sherman

Scott L's Italian Villa

Jerry's NASCAR Chevy Monte Carlo -- Jeff Gordon's ride in the 2000 Brickyard 400

Engine detail from Jerry's 2000 Monte Carlo

Jon's Matchbox 1/72 Noorduyn Norseman: Model of the Month

Larry's 1/72 Fw-190

Mike's 1/48 KV-2

Pablo's Rolls Royce High Bypass Turbofan

Randy's Stepside Chevy Pickup

July 14, 2015

June 2015 Meeting Notes and Models

The meeting on June 30 was attended by a total of 17 modelers, included 3 club officers.  11 models were displayed in the monthly contest.

High Plains Con XXVI is scheduled for October 10, 2015 at the Ranch.  Vendor Table reservations are currently available.

The club has arranged a field trip on July 19 to visit Doug Geiger's train layout in Longmont.
Where: 701 South Terry Street (Longmont)
When: Sunday 7/19, between 2 pm and 5 pm
What: Visit to Doug Geiger train layout.

Due to the Larimer County Fair, the July 28 meeting will be held at an alternate location -- and possibly at an alternate time.  Stay tuned for updates on this.

The clinic schedule has been updated.  July will by Tarps by Gary M., Pablo will do Model Photography in August, and we will have a Judging Workshop in September.

On to the June models:

Jon's Fujimi 1/72 A-4 Adversary in the simulated MiG-17 scheme.

Mike A added another 1/56 resin tank to his growing collection.  This one is T-28 in Finnish markings.

Continuing the Finnish theme, Pablo brought in his Arii 1/48 Bf 109G-6.

Randy's AMT 1/25 1950 Chevy Pickup.

Ron completed this vignette of an SS Soldier in 1/35.
Samuel's 1/48 Revell Monogram 1/48 F4F Wildcat.

Scott S displayed this Dragon 1/72 T-34/76 1941.

Airfix's 1/72 Gladiator by Tomasz.

More of Tomasz's Gladiator in Irish markings.
Cody's entry this month was this Ford Street Rod.

Model of the Month for June, Ron's Dragon 1/35 Sd.Kfz.251/17.

More detail from Ron's Sd.Kfz.251/17.  The figures are from New World Miniatures.

June 30, 2015

May 2015 Meeting

Highlights from the May meeting:

No Raffle was held this month due to the annual club auction being held.

The membership approved sponsoring two awards for the IPMS Region 10 conest that was held on June 12-13 in Denver.

The club's annual auction of donated kits and accessories generated over $400 of income for the club.  We had a huge pile of models donated by members.

Some of the pile of models to be auctioned; more were added before we started.
The auction in progress.  Michael A. handled the job of auctioneer and made it through the entire stack.

Members brought in 11 models for the monthly contest:
Samuel's Monogram Ju-87G in 1/48 scale
Randy's Revell LaFerrari
Cody's 1999 Ford F-150
Tomasz's ICM Hs 126 in 1/48th
Gary brought this 15mm M10 Wolverine
Mark's entry was his Idea 1/72 F-15 displayed in-flight
Pablo brought his tiny Tamiya 1/48 Dingo scout car
Tamiya's old M16 GMC by Scott S
Michael A's 1/56 Komsomolets armored artillery tractor
And finally the Model of the Month, Jon's Hasegawa 1/72 Leopold: