High Plains Modelers Pages

March 29, 2016

February Meeting Pics

Jerry's AMT 1/25 '32 Ford from American Graffiti

Cody's 1/43 1971 BRM of Jo Siffert, winner of  the Austrian Grand Prix

Ron's 1/35 Panzerwerfer

Pablo's 1/48 Ki-45

Tomasz's 1/48 F4U-1 -- February's Model of the Month

Scott L's 1/72 Ford G8TA

Gary's 1/35 Dodge WC-47 

Jon's 1/72 F/A-18F -- Review

Michael's Russian Anti-Tank Rifle Team

Scott S's 1/48 Bf 109G-10
Larry presented a clinic on airbrushing

March 28, 2016

YouTube Video: Academy F-35A by PLASMO - plastic models

YouTube's a great resource for learning new techniques and expanding your skills.  I'm going to periodically share videos I've found to be interesting and useful.

This one features a build of Academy's F-35A from the channel PLASMO - plastic models.  Watch the whole thing, but I would like to especially point out the epoxy putty seat belts starting at about 1:42.  This is not the first time I've ever encountered this technique -- it's often used by pattern makers for resin seat masters, I believe -- but it's an interesting alternative to photo etch belts, which can be expensive and not always convincing.

Part 2 is here:  Academy F-35A