High Plains Modelers Pages

June 27, 2017

Models from the May Meeting

Dennis's USS Enterprise 1/1200 Depicted During the Battle of Santa Cruz

Tony's '57 Chevy, showing off his glass-like finish

Marty's Roden 1/72 Fokker D.VIII

Dave's Revell 2016 Corvette 1/25

Randy's Revell 1940 Ford 1/25

Scott L's 1/72 Voroshilovets Artillery Tractor, built from the Hobbyboss kit

Pablo's Eduard 1/48 F6F-5N (Review at IPMS USA)

Jon's 1/72 Airfix Ford Trimotor

Gary's Renwal 1/32 Wrecker -- Model of the Month

June 23, 2017

Bubbles in the airbrush paint cup

Bubbling in the color reservoir is caused when air is misdirected into the color channel rather than “jetting” over the paint tip in a manner that pulls or “vacuums” the color/media from the airbrush. The air enters the color passage causing a bubbling in the color reservoir - like when you blow into a straw in a glass of milk, causing the milk to bubble in the glass.    Generally there are four common causes of air entering the color channel causing bubbling in the color reservoir: 

1. non-sealing of the paint tip threads (threaded paint tip nozzles) or a non-sealing of the paint tip against the angled recess of the airbrush body (non-threaded drop in paint tip nozzles).  Air goes behind the paint tip and into the color channel.

2. partial clog of the paint tip - preventing the proper pull of paint from the paint tip. 

3. incorrect spray regulator alignment pushing the air into the paint tip rather than across it as necessary to “vacuum” color out from the paint tip. 

4. split/fractured paint tip - air enters the paint tip through the fracture and goes back into the color channel.   

The key to remedying bubbling in the color reservoir is to determine which of the four causes is occurring and correct it.  The remedy of cause 1 is to seal the paint tip threads with heated beeswax or, in the case of drop in paint tip nozzles -  be sure there is a complete sealing of the paint tip against the recess of the airbrush body it sits in.  Check the recess for minute paint particles and/or scratches.  If this surface is scratched, the scratch can sometimes be filled by rubbing Chapstick into it.  To remedy cause 2, disassemble and inspect the paint tip making certain it is clear, including cleaning inside the paint tip, from its backside, with a soft micro-brush.  DO NOT FORCE ANYTHING THROUGH THE PAINT TIP.  To remedy cause 3, make sure the spray regulator is properly tightened on to the nozzle head.  Also inspect and clean the back side of the spray regulator with a pointed cotton swab.  To remedy cause 4, replace the paint tip. 

(Reprinted from "Ovespray" the Badger Airbrush newsletter).