High Plains Modelers Pages

August 14, 2017

July 2017 Models

Here's the models from our July 2017 meeting at Hobbytown:

Scott L's HobbyBoss M4 High Speed Tractor
This kit doesn't come with windows, so Scott scratchbuilt the forward windows from acetate and made the side windows with clear glue.

Pablo's 1/48 Bf 109G-6 from the Eduard kit

Gary's Monogram 1/32 1926 Mack Truck

Jon's Hasegawa 1/72 Mc. 202 from the Baracca Stormo

Dave's Tamiya 1/48 N1K1-J George
Dave executed the chipping on this model by undercoating with Tamiya rattle-can silver, overpainting with Tamiya acrylic, and then chipping the green with tape.  This plane was model of the month.

Larry's Airfix P-40B 1/48

This model represents 2nd Lt George Welch's plane at Pearl Harbor, Dec 7, 1941

Dennis's Minicraft 1/144 Boeing 727