High Plains Modelers Pages

January 4, 2019

Models from the Final Meeting of 2018

Here's the models from our November meeting, our last meeting in 2018.

Tamiya BMW  R75 Motorcycle and Sidecar 1/35, built by George

Another view of George's R75

Pablo's build of Italeri's reboxing of Accurate Miniatures 1/48 B-25G

Art's 1/35 Gama Goat, built from the recently released Tamiya kit

Chad's 1/25 Lincoln Continental  Wagon with a moon roof

Dennis's Monogram 1/24 '55 Ford F-100

Impact! Miniatures T-34 painted by Michael 
Gary's Hawk Ford Flathead

Jon's Hasegawa 1/72 Ki-61 Tony

Arma Hobby 1/72 TS-11 Iskra by Tomasz

Also, straight from Robert's basement, some pics from his 28mm War on the Nile Diorama
The scene at Wadi Halfa

Steam paddlewheel