High Plains Modelers Pages

May 2, 2022

April 19, 2022 Meeting

Meeting Minutes

Members Present - 14, Guest -1 

Models - 13

Treasure balance: $5,342.18 

Welcome a new member Jared Finkenbinder

Old Business: 

• Flyer that was presented and approved last month to be added to our website 

• Omaha Trophy was approved - Club then approved by vote for another trophy purchase to help IPMS Nationals 

• The originally planned October 15th High Plains Contest is now scheduled for November 5th and confirmed with Michael.  Looking for sponsors from other clubs for trophies 

New Business: 

 • An “official” club Facebook group will be created. It will adhere to the same content direction as the website per the bylaws, under the direction of the club president. A vote was called for by the president. Motion approved. 

 • Art presented a flyer for a train show in Greeley, Sat April 23, 9am-5pm. The Granite Mountain Railway is located at 701 Terry St. Longmont 80501 - This is an amazing layout controlled by an actual railroad switchboard and a multitude of operators. 

• Car show at Hobby Town Westminster - Saturday Noon - 4pm 9120 Wadsworth Blvd. • Looking to start it up to dinner after meetings again. Please bring you ideas and appetites. 

• Next Month is the annual club auction.  After seeing how many models members have in their collections (some in the 1000s)...per the email question by Paublo, I would expect members have models their collection that will never be built. (I brought 5 last time with only 135 models in my collection) Don’t be that person who comes to the potluck and only brings a fork...

 • A motion made and vote for, per the direction of the club president, to approve Tomasz as our webmaster for 2022. Motion approved. 

Model of the month: Chad's Italeri 1/12 Alfa Romeo 2300c Monza (see below)

Presentation: Cheap Bags and Storage by Gary - Great presentation...thanks! 

Gary with his brilliant demo on casting bags and other stowage.

April 2022 Model Entries

Gerry's 1/24 Revell 1997 Buick NASCAR

Chad's Model of the Month: 1/12 Italeri Alfa Romeo 2300c Monza

Gary's 28mm Ork Machines

Mark's 1/25 AMT 1965 Plymouth Curbside

Bill's Rock Crawler with Marvin the Martian

Tom's 1/72 Matchbox F-104 Starfighter

Chuck's 1/35 Tamiya Panzer II modified

Pat's 1/35 Tasca Sherman Easy 8 diorama with figures 
(also found in December 2021 FSM gallery)

Dennis's 1/350 Revell U-Boot VII

Art's 1/25 Revell Jeep

Jon's 1/72 A-Model SH-2 or C2 Float Plane

Randy's 1/24 - 1/25 AMT kitbash 1955 Chevy Pickup