High Plains Modelers Pages

July 17, 2013

How to remove Bare Metal Foil residue

     Some modelers use Bare Metal Foil to mask their clear parts, especially aircraft canopies. While the product lends itself very well to this application, one downside is that it leaves an adhesive residue behind when the foil is pulled off. The modeler is then left with the problem of how to remove the residue.
    Two products that work well to remove this residue are a citrus based cleaner called Goo-Gone, and the old garage standby WD-40. Simply dip a cotton swab in either product until just lightly soaked, then wipe away the adhesive residue. You can follow up with a dry swab to remove excess cleaner. I used WD-40 for my application, and found it worked well. I had no problems with the WD-40 taking off the Future coat or the acrylic paint on the canopy frames. Next time you're working with Bare Metal Foil, keep this quick tip in mind!
