High Plains Modelers Pages

July 18, 2013

Quickboost - 1/48 40 mm cannon barrels for Hurricane MkIID

Product Review
Reviewer: Pablo Bauleo

Manufacturer: Quickboost

Product: QB 48255 1/48 40 mm Cannon Barrels Hurricane Mk IID
MSRP: 3.30 Euro from http://www.quickboost.net

The 40 mm cannon are a high visibility part in a Hurricane MkII.D and Quickboost has produced another "quick" way to "boost" your model, by producing a seam-free, flash-free reproduction of the 40 mm cannon for the tank-buster hurricane.

The cannons are perfectly casted in grey resin, with a bubble-free, smooth finish. The molding cast includes two side "walls" to prevent accidental damage of the parts while in transit or storage. Removal of the parts should be easy, with either a hobby saw or even by scoring with a #11 blade if you take your time.

Pictures are shown of the plastic injection molded cannons from Hasegawa and the nicely detailed resin version from Quickboost, side by side. By comparing the parts I've noticed that the Quickboost ones are slightly larger in diameter (by 0.1 mm) and about 1.5 mm longer. I do not know which manufacturer got it closer to scale.

The cannon barrels ends are hollow and dead centered. They look much better than I could have ever made the plastic parts look, by using a hand-drill and a drill bit. To attach the resin cannons, you will have to do some minor surgery to the original parts, as Hasegawa has molded the cannons as one piece together with the underwing fairings.

Quickboost has delivered another little gem, and these cannons are going to look excellent in your finished model. You can order these resin cannons from www.quickboost.net. Let them know that you've seen a review of their products in the IPMS website.

I would like to thank Quickboost for providing the review sample and IPMS for the chance to review it.